Grimoire 3.9 - preview

Hello. This release is a preview of the major update that is to come. Because I really need to focus on other projects, Grimoire 4.0 will hopefully be last the last update. Therefore, it needs to have all features that you the users want, and work without any bugs.

So, what I want from this thread is this:
- Feedback on the new UI
- Feature suggestions

The largest change in 4.0 will be the botting system. Bots will now be created in the form of scripts, and I'll provide a .gbot converter too. If you don't know what this means, take a look at RBot by @rodit

I know that this may seem a bit scary, but this will allow great flexibility for bots and I will attempt to make it as easy to use as possible.

Things to note about this release:

- The script editor, packet spammer, packet tamperer, fast travels, grabbers and "Grimoire settings..." features do not have any functionality, they're just there to show you what they look like
- All the loaders work. The load a quest/shop, enter an id in the textbox and press enter (is this good or can I improve it somehow?)
- All the settings (except "Grimoire settings..." and "Disable skill animations") work. 
- WASD walking means that you can move your character by pressing the WASD keys (AE, why the hell have you not implemented this yet?). But, because I quickly wrote this feature it's buggy at the moment. If you move using your keyboard and walk to another cell you might get stuck. And, if you move too much you'll get disconnected because of move packets being spammed.


  1. Gets the "Get the new Artix Games Launcher" prompt

  2. I think for Grimoire 4.0 they should implement the same Quality of Life features from AQLite. That would make it the best trainer there is.

  3. why my grimoire croped screen? do you know how to fix it?

  4. Get Artix Games Launcher prompt fix pls

  5. is there any version of grimoire available for MacOS?

  6. It says for mac but no matter what it always ends up being an exe file that i cannot open.

  7. Same "Get the new Artix Games Launcher" Opi do something plss

  8. Hey Arclight, I've encountered a problem when trying to run Grimoire 3.8+

    The problem is when I try to run the bot, it does not run at all but shows the bot icon at the bottom right corner. I've tried everything I could think of and watched all the videos on how to fix the bot, but none of them were related to the problem I am having atm, any ideas?

    1. Hello there! everyone who has problems with like this is probably because of the flash player. Go look at this video:
      In the disc. there is a link for SWF.max.. go to there website and follow their instructions on the first page. You dont need the program "runasdate" if you use this option so you can just start up grimoire with the normal exe file if you have done it corretly.


  10. I can't run the program as well. Please help.

  11. I finally fixed flash but this I'm wondering how to make it work since the game page link doesn't work. May you teach me how to make this thing run. It only shows black screen.

  12. it hasnt been released yet ya morons (facepalm)
